Philwood (TN) 45rpm
Location : (1967) P.O. Box 8033 Memphis, Tenn.
(1968) 1566 Lookout Dr. Memphis, Tenn. 38127
Owner : Tom Phillips
Track List
Philwood (TN) 45 - 200 : Sons Of Dixie - You've Been So Good To Me
Philwood (TN) 45 - 200 : Sons Of Dixie - Save This Soul Of Mine
Philwood (TN) 45 - 201 : Claude Johnson - I Am Blue & Lonesome (1967)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 201 : Claude Johnson - Sitting Here Thinking (1967)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 202 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 202 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 203 : Sons Of Dixie - See What The Lord Has Done (1967)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 203 : Sons Of Dixie - Fix My Mind (1967) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 204 : Junior Kimbell - Tram? (1967)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 204 : Junior Kimbell - You Can’t Leave Me (1967)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 205 : Dixie-Aires - Tell Jesus What You Need missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 205 : Dixie-Aires - That Awful Day Is Sure To Come missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 205 : Son’s Of Dixie - Feeling My Way Through
Philwood (TN) 45 - 205 : Son’s Of Dixie - Standing On The Promises missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 206 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 206 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 207 : Harps Of Melody - Lord Bless The Weary Soldier In Viet Nam (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 207 : Harps Of Melody - King Jesus Will Roll All Burdens Away (1968) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 208 : Marie Bolton - Thankful (Part 1) (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 208 : Marie Bolton - Thankful (Part 2) (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 209 : Sons Of Harmony - I Can’t Pay The Lord (1968) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 209 : Sons Of Harmony - Man Who Bled & Died (1968) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 210 : Sons Of Harmony - God’s Word Will Never Pass Away (1968) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 210 : Sons Of Harmony - Sing Until The Spirit Comes Down (1968) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 220 : I. J. Simpson - Vidden Vidden Vidden (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 220 : I. J. Simpson - Pollution (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 221 : Tom Wheeler - First Love (1968) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 221 : Tom Wheeler - Credit Cards (1968) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 222 : Jim Harshaw - Both Sides Of Me (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 222 : Jim Hawshaw - Jacqueline (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 223 : Charlie Feathers - Tear It Up (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 223 : Charlie Feathers - Stutterin' Cindy (1968)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 224 : Sue Kilzer - Make Love To Me
Philwood (TN) 45 - 224 : Sue Kilzer - Song-Walking Tears missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 225 : Dennis Smith - Road To Destruction missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 225 : Dennis Smith - Living On A Cloud missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 226 : Leroy Bogart - Hold Out Until The End
Philwood (TN) 45 - 226 : Etoy Bogart - This Maybe The Last Time
Philwood (TN) 45 - 227 : Etoy Bogart - I’m Going To Tell God
Philwood (TN) 45 - 227 : Etoy Bogart - I've Had It Hard
Philwood (TN) 45 - 228 : Sister C. Matney Jackson - Guide My Feet Lord missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 228 : Sister C. Matney Jackson - My New Life missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 229 : Lela May Gambill - When The Lord Touched Me missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 229 : Lela May Gambill - A Prayer missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 230 : Shirley Paige - Mama There's To Much Of You In Me
Philwood (TN) 45 - 230 : Shirley Paige - I Met The Nicest Man On A Honda
Philwood (TN) 45 - 231 : Carol Horton - Delta Dust
Philwood (TN) 45 - 231 : Carol Horton - Second Hand Love
Philwood (TN) 45 - 232 : J. T. Morgan - I’m The Man (1972) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 232 : J. T. Morgan - The Love I Had (1972)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 233 : Memphis ’72 - Somebody Bigger Than You & Me (1972) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 233 : Memphis ’72 - What Is It (1972) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 234 : Carol Horton - Mama's Love (1972)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 234 : Carol Horton - What I Don't Know Won't Hurt Me (1972)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 235 : Glenn Graves - A House Of Emptiress (1973) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 235 : Glenn Graves - Check This Country Out (1973) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 236 : I. J. Simpson - Love's Old Sad Song (1973)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 236 : I. J. Simpson - Keep Pretending (1973)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 237 : Bogard Bros. - A Christian’s Prayer (1973)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 237 : Bogard Bros. - Eyes Is On The Sparrow (1973) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 238 : J. Allen Gann - I Want You (1973)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 238 : J. Allen Gann - Takin' A Lot (1973)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 239 : Don Rose - Whamboogie
Philwood (TN) 45 - 239 : Don Rose - Why Do Fools Fall In Love missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 240 : Willie Toliver - Papa Killed A Chicken (1974)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 240 : Willie Toliver - Papa Killed A Chicken Part 2 (1974)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 241 : Richard Givhan - Girl Huntin’ Pt. 1 (1974) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 241 : Richard Givhan - Girl Huntin’ Pt. 2 (1974) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 242 : VMO Lofton - Early One Morning Pt. 1 (1974) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 242 : VMO Lofton - Early One Morning Pt. 2 (1974)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 242 : Sensational Six - America, We Love You (1974) missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 242 : Sensational Six - A New Home (1974)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 243 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 243 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 244 : Bogard Bros. - He’s Coming Back (1974)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 244 : Bogard Bros. - Prayer Changes Things (1974)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 245 : Richard Givhan - I Wouldn't Change Her
Philwood (TN) 45 - 245 : Richard Givhan - You Better Watch Your Friends
Philwood (TN) 45 - 246 : Jessie Craig - Woman Good Gone Bad missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 246 : Jessie Craig - Making Payments To Jesus missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 247 : Gospel Ensemble - I Will Not Haste missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 247 : Gospel Ensemble - What To Be Saved, Lord missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 248 : Gospel Ensemble - Connection With God missing need label
Philwood (TN) 45 - 248 : Gospel Ensemble - Straighten Up need label
Philwood (TN) 45 - 249 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 249 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 250 : Noah’s Ark - Headline News
Philwood (TN) 45 - 250 : Noah’s Ark - After The Rain (We’ll Be Singing In Sunshine)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 251 : 7 Bros. - He’ll Make A Way missing
Philwood (TN) 45 - 251 : 7 Bros. - I Don’t Know What The World Is Coming To
Philwood (TN) 45 - 252 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 252 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 253 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 253 : Uncomfirmed
Philwood (TN) 45 - 254 : Willie Cobbs - Why Did You Change Your Mind (1976)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 254 : Willie Cobbs - Eating Dry Onions (Sitting In The Alley Crying For Bread) (1976)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 255 : Charles Hayes - Road Of Life (1978)
Philwood (TN) 45 - 255 : Charles Hayes - Keep Us Together (1978) missing
Thanks go To Gospel Bob, WallyK, Kent (AK) Evil Eye Dan for the help.
Thanks Apesville.